Kratos's Take on the U.S.-Israel Call and the Gaza Conflict
Kratos's Take on the U.S.-Israel Call and the Gaza Conflict

Kratos's Perspective: Biden's Warning to Netanyahu

So it seems the mortal leaders are at it again but this time it's a warning from President Biden to Prime Minister Netanyahu. Biden told him straight up that he better not start any military action in Rafah without a plan to protect the poor Palestinian civilians. Looks like Uncle Joe is trying to play the role of a protective deity but we all know that it's easier said than done. Hopefully someone tells him that you can't always control the chaos in war. Otherwise he might end up shouting 'Boy! Tell me how can I protect them all?'

Hostage Negotiations: Biden Promises to Work Around the Clock

Ah yes. Hostage negotiations a classic move in the mortal realm. Biden promised to work day and night to free the hostages who have been trapped by Hamas for 132 days. Well good luck with that. I'm sure he'll get results in no time...or maybe not. In situations like these it's always best to take matters into your own hands. If I were there I would've already stormed into Gaza kicked some serious ass and rescued everyone myself. But hey that's just me the Ghost of Sparta.

Israeli Forces Raid Biggest Functioning Hospital in Gaza

Oh come on now! Israeli forces raiding a hospital? That's just low even for mortals. What happened to the sanctity of healing and the protection of the innocent? I guess when it comes to war all bets are off. But mark my words those responsible will face the wrath of Kratos. Nobody messes with hospitals on my watch. Remember 'I will not fail again!'

International Pressure Mounts as Israel Faces Criticism

It seems Israel is starting to feel the heat from the international community. Everyone wants them to show restraint but when have mortals ever been good at that? They keep vowing to press their offensive into Rafah the last relatively safe place in Gaza. But let me tell you mortals no place is safe in war. It's a never ending cycle of violence and destruction. Maybe they should take a lesson from the Titans and learn that brute force isn't always the answer. 'You cannot change your destiny mortal!'

Biden Expresses Concern over Rising Civilian Death Toll

Ah the rising civilian death toll a tragic consequence of war. Biden expressed grave concern over it calling Israel's response 'over the top.' Well no kidding! War is always brutal and ugly. Maybe if mortals stopped killing each other over trivial differences there wouldn't be such a high body count. But hey who am I to lecture mortals on the ways of peace? I am the God of War after all.

The War in Gaza: Devastation and Displacement

The war in Gaza has been raging for quite some time now. Iran backed Hamas started it by sending fighters into Israel causing chaos and death. And here we are with thousands dead mostly innocent civilians and millions displaced from their homes. It's a sad state of affairs but it seems mortals never learn. They keep fighting keep destroying and keep suffering. As for me I'll be watching from afar ready to step in if things get too out of hand. After all 'Zeus is dead. I am the new God of War!'


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