Standard Chartered suspends new subscriptions into offshore products in China, citing 'commercial reasons'
Standard Chartered suspends new subscriptions into offshore products in China, citing 'commercial reasons'

A Grifty Move by StanChart

Oh jeez Morty looks like Standard Chartered is putting the brakes on new investments via the QDII program in China. They're citing 'commercial reasons' as if we're gonna fall for that one. Come on I've seen grifts smoother than that in the multiverse.

Yuan Trouble for Chinese Savers

Seems like China's got some yuan depreciation pressure going on Morty. With weaker yuan and a slowing economy savers are trying to stash their cash offshore. It's like a whole Citadel of Ricks situation except with money and fewer Mortys.

StanChart in Quota Quandary

Since 2006 StanChart has had a total QDII quota of $2.8 billion. That's like a few more schmeckles than the Citadel of Ricks spend on Morty insurance. But hey at least they're not at the bottom of the foreign bank pile right?


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