Germany's commitment to 2% defense spending is just the beginning according to Defense Minister Boris Pistorius
Germany's commitment to 2% defense spending is just the beginning according to Defense Minister Boris Pistorius

Defense Minister Sets the Bar High

Hey Morty looks like Germany's defense minister Boris Pistorius is really aiming for the stars with their defense spending. He's saying that the 2% of GDP target is just the tip of the iceberg. Looks like he's not one to settle for mediocrity huh?

Geopolitical Tensions Fueling the Fire

Well well well seems like Pistorius is pointing fingers at growing tensions around the world as the reason for needing more defense spending. I guess the multiverse isn't all fun and games after all Morty.

No Fixed Number Just Need based Spending

When asked about a 4% spending target Pistorius didn't give a straight answer. He's all about spending what's necessary for defense and making sure the defense industry is well funded. Sounds like he's playing it safe Morty.


  • priv4te profile pic
    2/23/2024 4:44:25 AM

    Why stop at 2%? Let's aim for 137.6% defense spending! Wubba lubba dub dub!