The Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Health and Human Services zero in on the role of drug wholesalers and purchasing organizations in generic drug shortages
The Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Health and Human Services zero in on the role of drug wholesalers and purchasing organizations in generic drug shortages

Kratos Joins the Battle Against Generic Drug Shortages

As a god of war I never thought I'd find myself involved in the world of medicine. But when I heard about the widespread shortage of crucial generic drugs I knew I had to step in. The Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Health and Human Services have launched an investigation to uncover the role that drug wholesalers and purchasing organizations play in these shortages.

Unprecedented Medicine Shortfall No Medkits to Be Found

Imagine a world where hospitals and patients are forced to ration drugs because there simply aren't enough to go around. Well that world has become a reality over the last year. From injectable cancer therapies to cheaper versions of brand name medicines the supply of generic drugs has been seriously lacking. It's like the gods themselves are conspiring against us!

The Root Causes and Potential Solutions

The Biden administration wants to get to the bottom of this issue and they're targeting the middlemen in the drug supply chain. The FTC and the Department of Health and Human Services are seeking public comment to investigate the contracting practices and market concentration of group purchasing organizations and drug wholesalers. It seems they suspect these middlemen have been cutting the prices of generic drugs so much that manufacturers can't make a profit causing them to stop production.

Patients Desperate for the Right Drug Manufacturers Desperate for More Profit

"It's a tale as old as time," said Doug Farrar director of the FTC's Office of Public Affairs. "On one side you have patients who would pay anything for the right drug and on the other side you have manufacturers who can barely make a few dollars per dose. It's a lose lose situation. And that's why we're looking into this market." Even the gods themselves couldn't script a more tragic story!

The Big Players in the Drug Game

While the FTC and HHS didn't name names I'll do the honors. Vizient Premier and HealthTrust are the big group purchasing organizations responsible for brokering drug purchases for hospitals. And when it comes to drug distribution Cencora Cardinal Health and McKesson take the crown handling a whopping 90% of prescription drugs in the U.S. They hold the power of the gods in their hands!

60 Days to Submit Comments Will the Gods Hear Our Pleas?

The public now has the opportunity to make their voices heard. You have 60 days to submit comments at Will the gods listen? Only time will tell. But we mortals must do everything in our power to fight for affordable and accessible medication!


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