Kratos takes on the world of finance as he criticizes investors' bad decision-making
Kratos takes on the world of finance as he criticizes investors' bad decision-making

Kratos Calls Out Jim Cramer's Analysis

So apparently Jim Cramer thinks the market sell off was due to poor judgment on the part of shareholders. Well let me tell you something Cramer poor judgment is something I know all too well. I used to be the god of war after all!

Kratos Unimpressed with Bullish Investors

According to Cramer bullish investors stirred up market froth by buying tech companies with unclear business plans. Huh buying without a plan? That's a rookie mistake even for mortals. If you want to battle in the market you better have a strategy that would make even Zeus tremble!

Kratos Mocks the Idea of Selling High Buying Low

Cramer suggests that investors should sell stocks now and buy them back at lower levels. Well that's easier said than done my friend. It's like trying to defeat the Hydra without a weapon. You'll just end up being swallowed whole!

Kratos Explains the Consequences of Market Froth

According to yours truly the market can't advance on froth without terrible consequences. It's like releasing the Titans from their prison. Chaos and destruction are bound to follow. So we need to drain the froth and refresh just like I did when I defeated Ares and became the true God of War!

Kratos Takes a Dig at Those Who Know Nothing

In his analysis Cramer mentions those who don't know anything about the economy or their stocks getting 'cashiered' out of the market. Well let me tell you there's nothing worse than facing an opponent who underestimates you. It's like being stabbed by a mortal dagger. It may seem small but it can still bring you down!


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