Discover why higher emotional intelligence and age go hand in hand
Discover why higher emotional intelligence and age go hand in hand

Growing Older Growing Wiser

As an experienced man of the world I can attest that age brings wisdom and happiness. The last few decades of my life have been a tale of two midlives and let me tell you the second half is where the real shenanigans happen.

The Power of Emotional Intelligence

In my line of work emotional intelligence is crucial. It's the ability to understand and control our emotions and let me tell you my emotional intelligence has skyrocketed with age. Not only am I more in touch with my own emotions but I'm also a master at deciphering the feelings of others. It's like I have a sixth sense except instead of seeing dead people I see emotions.

Compassion: From Gangster to Gentleman

As I've gotten older I've become softer and I'm not just talking about around the waistline. My compassion for others has grown and I now have a deeper understanding of the world around me. It's amazing what a little empathy can do for the soul.

From Emotional Vertigo to Emotional Fluency

In my younger days my emotions were like a whirlwind constantly throwing me off balance. But now I've learned to ride the emotional rollercoaster like a pro. I don't sweat the small stuff anymore and I can even turn a traffic jam into a meditation session. It's all about perspective my friends.

Taking Things with a Pinch of Salt

Don't take things so personally they say. And they're right. Rolling with the punches and not internalizing everything that comes your way is a true art. The cancel culture may be all the rage these days but I prefer to cancel the drama and focus on what really matters.

Creating the Perfect Habitat

I've always had an eye for creating the perfect environment. They say it's called "environmental mastery," but I just call it good taste. Being able to thrive in your surroundings and adapt to changes is a skill that comes with age. Just like a fine whiskey I've only gotten better with time.


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