Find out what the leader of the Peaky Blinders has to say about Elon Musk's recent court decision.
Find out what the leader of the Peaky Blinders has to say about Elon Musk's recent court decision.

The Court's Decision: More Than Meets the Eye

So it seems that Elon Musk's big payday has hit a bit of a snag. A Delaware court ruled that Tesla must rescind Musk's $56 billion pay package and now the Tesla board is keeping quiet about what this means for shareholders and what's next for the CEO. Talk about keeping us in the dark eh? But don't worry folks Tommy Shelby here to give you the inside scoop.

Elon Musk's Response: A Classic Blinder Move

Now we all know Musk isn't one to stay quiet for long. He lashed out at the court telling everyone to never incorporate their company in Delaware. Well Musk I don't blame you. Delaware is no place for a true visionary like yourself. And to top it off Tesla is planning to hold a shareholder vote to move its incorporation to Texas. Looks like Musk is ready to break free just like a bird out of a cage.

Tesla's Board: Silent as the Grave

The Tesla board including Musk himself has gone radio silent. No comments no explanations nothing. Not a peep. It's almost like they're hiding something. Are they afraid of the consequences? Or maybe they're just too scared to face the wrath of the Birmingham Boys. Either way their silence speaks volumes.

The Next Steps: Last Minute Settlement or Appeal?

While we all wait with bated breath to see what happens next legal experts are weighing in. Greg Varallo the lead counsel for the plaintiff thinks Musk might still go for a last minute settlement but he's also betting on an appeal. Kobi Kastiel a law professor agrees and believes that an appeal is likely. Looks like Musk isn't going down without a fight. I can respect that.

The Fallout: Options Returned and A Grumpy CEO

If the court's decision stands Musk will lose his stock options but not the shares he already holds. That means a bunch of options would be returned to Tesla's coffers which could actually be good news for investors. But let's not forget we're dealing with a grumpy CEO here. Musk might just take his ball and go home. Who knows what he'll do next? It's like trying to predict the outcome of a horse race at Epsom.

The Future: Moving On and Moving Out

One thing's for sure Musk isn't planning on sticking around in Delaware for much longer. He's already moved his brain computer interface company Neuralink to Nevada. And with his personal move to Texas and the massive complexes he's building there for SpaceX and Tesla it's clear that Musk has his sights set on greener pastures. Can't say I blame him. Texas has some damn good whiskey.


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