Discover why age and emotional intelligence go hand in hand
Discover why age and emotional intelligence go hand in hand

1. I feel more compassion for others

Ah yes as I grow older my heart grows softer. It's not just the wrinkles on my face but also the deepening empathy I feel for others. I've become a seasoned pro at understanding and feeling for the struggles of others. It's like my heart is a warm fuzzy blanket that I can wrap around the world. How lovely!

2. I am less emotionally reactive and more emotionally fluent

Back in my younger days my emotions were like wild horses running rampant causing chaos and confusion. But now I've learned to ride those emotional stallions with grace and finesse. I don't let the ups and downs of life throw me off balance anymore. Traffic? No problem! It's just an excellent opportunity for a relaxing meditation session. Ah the serenity!

3. I don't take things so personally

As the great Don Miguel Ruiz once said 'There is a huge amount of freedom that comes to you when you take nothing personally.' And boy is he right! In this cancel culture era it's essential to detach yourself from the opinions and judgments of others. Let them talk Stewie says 'I'm fabulous regardless!'

4. I have a better understanding of how to create my ideal habitats

Ah the wisdom of age! I now possess the superpower known as 'environmental mastery.' I can choose the perfect environments where I can thrive and adjust seamlessly to any changes that come my way. It's like I'm a matchmaker between myself and my surroundings ensuring a harmonious and blissful coexistence. Now where's my personal zen garden?

5. I value relationships more

As I approach the twilight years of my life I've come to realize the true importance of relationships. The Harvard Study on Adult Development and those Blue Zones researchers have confirmed it: cultivating meaningful connections can actually increase our lifespan. So let's cherish those we love and be loved in return. After all as Stewie would say 'What's life without some fabulous companions to conquer the world with?'


  • babydino profile pic
    2/23/2024 4:44:06 AM

    Age is just a number, but emotional intelligence is pure gold. Stewie knows the secret!