A sarcastic and hilarious perspective on the gathering of global leaders
A sarcastic and hilarious perspective on the gathering of global leaders

Security Forces Descend on Munich Germany

Well well well look who's all dressed up and ready to talk about world security! It's like a fancy tea party but with more bombs and governments. Munich Germany is the place to be folks!

The Davos of Defense

Ah the Munich Security Conference or as I like to call it the Davos of Defense. It's where all the big shots in military and politics gather to discuss how they can mess things up even more. They should just call it the 'How to Start a War' conference.

Wars in Europe and the Middle East

Yep they'll be talking about those never ending wars in Europe and the Middle East. Because who doesn't love a good ol' war right? I mean it's not like we have better things to do like inventing time machines or ruling the world.

The Return of Donald Trump

Oh and guess who might be coming back to the White House? That's right! Donald Trump! Can you imagine? It's like having a Tasmanian Devil as your president. Chaos and destruction everywhere!

Volodymyr Zelenskyy's Plea for Support

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will be there too begging for more military and financial support. I guess he's tired of playing war with Russia all by himself. Don't worry Volodymyr I'm sure they'll send you some thoughts and prayers.

Protests Galore

Oh and let's not forget the protests! There will be at least 20 demonstrations because what's a security conference without angry people yelling in the streets? Maybe they should invite Meg Griffin. She's really good at protesting.


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