Russian President Vladimir Putin shares surprising opinion about U.S. presidential candidates.
Russian President Vladimir Putin shares surprising opinion about U.S. presidential candidates.

Putin Picks His Favorite

In a shocking turn of events Russian President Vladimir Putin has expressed his preference for Joe Biden over Donald Trump in the upcoming U.S. presidential election. Looks like Putin isn't a fan of the 'orange one' after all!

Why Putin Backs Biden

According to Putin he believes Biden is more experienced and predictable. Well who could blame him? It's like choosing broccoli over Twinkies it may not be exciting but at least you know what you're getting.

Biden's Mental Acuity Questioned

Despite choosing Biden as his preferred candidate Putin also dismissed concerns over Biden's mental acuity. He even compared their note peeking skills saying 'I was peeking at mine as well.' Looks like they both have a common interest in crib notes.

The Incumbent vs. Putin

While Putin may have some positive things to say about Biden he still disagrees with his politics. According to Putin the incumbent administration's approach is 'most harmful and erroneous.' Well at least they can agree to disagree.

The Trump Russia Connection

It's worth noting that Putin's preference for Biden comes after years of speculation about Trump's relationship with Russia. But hey who needs the truth when you can have wild conspiracy theories and late night TV jokes?

Republican Support for Ukraine at Stake

As the $95 billion aid package for Ukraine Israel and Taiwan awaits approval in the Republican led House of Representatives the support for Ukraine from the broader Republican Party hangs in the balance. Let's see if they put their money where their mouth is.


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