High-profile figures call for action on AI and climate dangers.
High-profile figures call for action on AI and climate dangers.

Cartman's Take on High profile Figures Speaking Up

Okay so apparently some fancy people like Richard Branson and Ban Ki moon are all in a tizzy about artificial intelligence and the climate crisis. They got together and signed an open letter just like one of those love notes you pass in class but this time it's about 'existential risks.' Ooooh scary!

Cartman's Thoughts on the Urgent Call for Action

They seriously want world leaders to embrace some long view strategy and actually do something about these problems. Like come on guys! Ain't nobody got time for that! We need instant gratification not long term solutions. What happened to living in the moment?

Cartman on the Message from The Elders

The letter was released by this group called The Elders which was launched by Nelson Mandela and Branson. I guess they just sit around sipping tea and talking about global human rights. Sounds like a thrilling Friday night to me!

Cartman's Take on AI and the 'Tool' Argument

So these nerds from the Future of Life Institute are saying that AI isn't inherently evil but that it's just a tool. Yeah well so is a hammer but you don't see me building houses with it. We all know that AI can be super dangerous. Just look at that stupid robot vacuum that tried to kill me! It's always out to get you!

Cartman's Thoughts on 'Safety Engineering'

One of these nerds said we need 'safety engineering' for our future. Like what does that even mean? Are they gonna put helmets on all the AI robots? I don't think that's gonna stop them from taking over the world. Safety first but domination second I always say.

Cartman's Reaction to the AI Pause Request

Wait a minute Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak are involved in this too? That's like having Batman and Robin team up to fight crime. They're asking these AI labs to take a break from training models that are even more powerful than GPT 4. I mean I'll admit I don't know what GPT 4 is but if it's worse than ManBearPig we better watch out!


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