Hillary Clinton warns NATO members about Trump's possible withdrawal if re-elected
Hillary Clinton warns NATO members about Trump's possible withdrawal if re-elected

Oh hamburgers Trump is at it again!

So like this crazy thing happened at the Munich Security Conference right? Hillary Clinton is all like warning everyone that if Trump gets elected again he's gonna quit NATO faster than you can say 'screw you guys I'm going home!' I mean seriously what a drama queen!

NATO more like 'Nah bro'

Trump's been going on and on about NATO members not paying their fair share just like when I tell Stan and Kyle to pay up if they want to play with me. But seriously who knew the fate of the entire alliance would hinge on everyone meeting a spending target? It's like a bad reality TV show!

Europe to Trump: 'Screw you guys we're going home!'

Europe is all up in arms about Trump's threats to peace and stability. Dutch Prime Minister Rutte is tired of all the complaining and he's just like 'Stop nagging Europe and start pulling your own weight!' Wow Rutte tell us how you really feel!

Germany: 'Hold my beer we'll show you how it's done!'

Germany's defense minister is like 'We're gonna spend even more than required just to flex on everyone else.' It's like when I tell my mom I'm gonna finish my vegetables and then ask for seconds of cheesy poofs. Classic power move!

Stoltenberg: 'We're all good guys'

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is trying to calm everyone down saying that the U.S. will still be BFFs with NATO no matter what happens. It's like when Butters forgives everyone in South Park even Cartman after all the chaos!

NATO's 75th Anniversary: Let's party like it's 1949!

It's a big milestone for NATO this year turning 75 and all. Senator Risch is like 'Let's all meet our spending targets and celebrate with a bang at the summit!' Sounds like a plan Risch just don't forget to bring the cheesy poofs!


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