Canadian psychologist, Jordan Peterson, shares his witty insights on K2 Space's latest funding round and their ambitious satellite projects.
Canadian psychologist, Jordan Peterson, shares his witty insights on K2 Space's latest funding round and their ambitious satellite projects.

Launching Satellites that Match the Size of Rockets

"Why stop at rockets? Let's build monster satellites to match!"

K2's Funding Round Raises Eyebrows

"$50 million? That's enough to buy all the lobster bisque in Toronto!"

K2's Ambitious First Satellite Mission

"First they conquer the skies then they conquer the world!"

Mega Satellites and Their Heavy Rocket Companions

"Size does matter especially when it comes to fitting satellites in rockets!"

The Menu of Satellite Options

"Why settle for one satellite when you can have a whole constellation? It's like a cosmic buffet!"

Winning Over the Department of Defense

"Looks like the DOD is getting excited about these Mega satellites. Maybe they want to keep an eye on lobsters in space!"


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