Canadian psychologist adds humor and satire to discuss recent talks between U.S. and China
Canadian psychologist adds humor and satire to discuss recent talks between U.S. and China

Wang Yi Tells Blinken to Lift Sanctions

If only I could tell my students to lift their metaphorical sanctions on completing their essays. Ah the joys of diplomacy!

Sino U.S. Relations: A Comedy of Errors

It seems like a battle of ideologies China says 'de risking,' the U.S. hears 'de China ing'. Sounds like a case of 'Maps of Meaning' gone wrong!

One China Two China Red China Blue China

If only we could apply the 'clean your room' philosophy to international relations. One China Two China let's all just get along China!

Biden Blinken and the Great Wall of Misunderstanding

Let's not 'lobsters' underestimate the importance of clear communication. Otherwise we'll end up in a '12 Rules for Strife' situation!

Fentanyl to Friendship: A Tale of Two Superpowers

From fentanyl agreements to military communications it's like 'Beyond Order'... or maybe just 'Beyond Borders' with China and the U.S.!

Maintaining Dialogue: The Art of Converging Opinions

In the battle of 'Maps of Meaning,' it's always important to remember the '12 Rules for Diplomacy'. Keep the dialogue going eh!


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