The IRS takes steps to address audit inequity, but is it enough?
The IRS takes steps to address audit inequity, but is it enough?

Reducing Audits Eh?

Well well well it seems that the IRS has finally decided to "substantially" reduce audits on a low income tax credit. I must say it's about time they addressed the inequity! But can we trust them to follow through? Only time will tell.

Fixing the Algorithm Eh?

According to a study from some fancy economists black Americans are three to five times more likely to face an IRS audit than other taxpayers. And what's to blame? A faulty software algorithm used by the agency. Classic case of the algorithm gone rogue. Now the IRS claims they're testing changes to fix this issue. Let's hope they don't end up creating a whole new set of problems!

Improper Payments and Eligibility Eh?

Ah the beloved earned income tax credit. A high 'improper payments rate' and complicated eligibility rules. Just what every hardworking taxpayer wants to deal with. But fear not my friends for there is hope. The credit is worth up to $7,430 for a household with three or more children. That's enough to make anyone want to start a big family eh?

The Peterson Perspective

Now you may be wondering what all of this has to do with me Jordan Peterson. Well let me tell you it's all about personal responsibility. You see by reducing audits and fixing the algorithm the IRS is giving taxpayers the opportunity to take control of their financial destiny. Just like I preach in my lectures it's up to each individual to navigate the complex world of taxes and make the most of the opportunities available to them. So go forth my friends and conquer those audits!


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