How Aware's AI is Analyzing Employee Sentiment and Behavior in Real Time
How Aware's AI is Analyzing Employee Sentiment and Behavior in Real Time

Big Brother is Watching

Well well well if it isn't Big Brother himself making an appearance in the workplace. Apparently this startup called Aware is using artificial intelligence to monitor your every message on Slack Teams and other platforms. They claim it's all about understanding the "risk within communications" and getting a read on employee sentiment in real time. Looks like we're living in a real life dystopian novel now.

From Bullying to Nudity it Can Do it All

Not only is this AI analyzing what you say but it's also keeping an eye out for bullying harassment discrimination noncompliance pornography nudity and who knows what else. Talk about being thorough. Guess we better watch our language folks. The AI police are on the case!

Who's Using It?

According to Aware lots of big shot companies are jumping on the surveillance train. We're talking Walmart Delta Air Lines T Mobile Chevron Starbucks and even Nestle and AstraZeneca in Europe. Looks like everyone wants a piece of this Big Brother action. Can't say I blame them though. It's always good to keep an eye on your employees right?

But Wait There's More!

Not only does Aware's AI monitor employee sentiment but it also has a separate tool that can flag individual employee names in extreme cases. It's like having your own personal Frieza to keep you in check. If you mess up real bad your name might just end up on the list. Talk about job security huh?

The Dark Side of AI Surveillance

Now before we start praising this AI surveillance as the next best thing since instant transmission let's not forget the potential for abuse. Some smart folks have raised concerns that this kind of surveillance could lead to a chilling effect in the workplace. We don't want people feeling like they're living in the Red Ribbon Army do we?

A Growing AI Market

Employee surveillance AI is just a small part of the larger AI market that's been exploding lately. With OpenAI's ChatGPT chatbot taking the world by storm it seems like everyone is hopping on the AI bandwagon. From financial services to biomedical research AI is infiltrating every industry faster than Frieza can transform.


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