The U.S. mulls sanctions on China for aiding Russia in Ukraine war, Goku contemplates fighting real-life battles
The U.S. mulls sanctions on China for aiding Russia in Ukraine war, Goku contemplates fighting real-life battles

Goku's Take on U.S. vs. China

Well looks like the U.S. is ready to unleash its Spirit Bomb of sanctions on China for helping out Russia. But hey I've fought intergalactic tyrants and crazy androids so this should be a piece of Senzu bean cake right?

Congress' Support for Sanctions

"China has to understand that the same kinds of sanctions which are beginning to really take hold in Russia can also be applied to China," says Senator Gerald Connolly. Looks like China's about to get a taste of the Instant Transmission of economic pain.

Goku's Warning to Beijing

"If broad sanctions were applied to China it would really hit home. And their economic performance right now is already weak," says Sen. Connolly. Looks like China might be running out of Senzu beans.

U.S. Intelligence Report

According to a U.S. intelligence report China is aiding Russia in its war effort in Ukraine. Looks like China's trying to learn the Kamehameha wave of war tactics.

China's Response

China calls any sanctions a 'historic mistake.' Well even Shenron can't wish away the consequences of real life power plays can he?

Goku's Meeting with U.S. Secretary of State

If only I could sit down with Secretary of State Antony Blinken we could settle this with a friendly spar rather than sanctions. But hey we're talking politics not martial arts here.


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