Exploring the irony of Biden using a banned app
Exploring the irony of Biden using a banned app

Biden Finds a Unique Way to Connect with Young Voters

Well well well it looks like Joe Biden has discovered the secret to winning over the younger generation: TikTok! I never thought I'd see the day when a social media app that's banned on government devices becomes a campaign tool but here we are. It's almost as ironic as using communism to fight communism but that's a topic for another day.

A Ban on TikTok? Only for Government Devices

Apparently TikTok is too dangerous for government employees to use but it's perfectly fine for the President to hop on the trend. In 2022 Biden signed a bill banning TikTok on federal government owned devices but I guess that doesn't apply to his campaign account. It's like saying 'Do as I say not as I do.' Classic government hypocrisy!

China Hawks and Security Concerns

One of the key reasons for the TikTok ban was the fear of Chinese influence and security risks. But hey let's just ignore all that and give the Chinese based company more exposure by using it for political purposes. Brilliant strategy Mr. President. You're really showing those China hawks who's boss!

Protecting Kids... Except on TikTok

The irony continues as lawmakers accuse TikTok and other social media platforms of harming children's mental health and failing to protect them online. Yet here we have the President using TikTok as a campaign tool. It's like saying 'TikTok is bad for kids but great for my campaign.' The logic is mind boggling!

Biden's Love Hate Relationship with TikTok

The Biden White House has had quite the rollercoaster ride with TikTok. They courted TikTok stars to spread public service messages but as China skeptical lawmakers raised concerns they appeared to align with them. The pressure to sell TikTok was on but now they're using it for their own benefit. Talk about mixed signals!

TikTok: The App that Won't Go Away

Despite the controversies TikTok remains popular especially among younger voters. In fact Pew Research data shows that a third of 18 29 year olds in the U.S. regularly get news from TikTok. So I guess Biden is just trying to meet his target audience where they are. Can't fault him for that even if it does contradict his own ban!


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