Special Counsel Investigation Raises Concerns About Biden's Mental State
Special Counsel Investigation Raises Concerns About Biden's Mental State

Is Biden the New Trump? Mitch Landrieu Thinks Otherwise

In a surprising twist Mitch 'Captain Humility' Landrieu defended President Joe Biden against comparisons to Donald Trump's investigations. Apparently Landrieu believes they're as different as night and day. Well that's reassuring!

Hey Haters Biden's Tough and Smart – Just Ask Landrieu

According to Landrieu he's known Biden for a lifetime (well 30 years) and he's personally witnessed Biden's toughness. All those trips meetings and bonding moments have convinced Landrieu that Biden is a force to be reckoned with. It's like they've been on a magical journey to rebuild America. How heartwarming!

Biden's Garage Saga: Classified Documents and Garage Sales Don't Mix

Apparently Biden thought it was a brilliant idea to keep classified documents in his Delaware garage. I guess he wanted to give them the same treatment as old sports equipment and boxes of junk. Way to prioritize national security Mr. President!

Biden's Memory – The Great Debate

"My memory has not gotten worse," claims Biden. Well if that's the case then maybe he's been misremembering things his entire life. Or maybe he just needs a refresher on reality. But hey he's an 'elderly man' who knows what he's doing...or so he says.

Change in the Democratic Ticket: Tick Tock Biden's Clock

With concerns about Biden's age and mental state reaching a boiling point some are calling for a change at the top of the Democratic ticket. Will Biden stay or will he go? Only time will tell. But one thing's for sure nobody knows how to hold onto power like Biden.

Biden's Resilience: The Stuff Legends Are Made Of

According to Landrieu and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Biden is a man of incredible resilience. He never quits no matter what. It's like he's channeling the spirits of superheroes or maybe just Kenny from South Park. You can't keep him down!


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