Supreme Court Questions Ruling Disqualifying Trump from Colorado Ballot
Supreme Court Questions Ruling Disqualifying Trump from Colorado Ballot

Elon Musk Weighs in on Colorado's Power Play

Well folks it looks like we've got a good old fashioned power struggle on our hands. The Colorado Supreme Court thinks it has the right to decide who gets to be president of the United States. But pardon my interplanetary manners that seems a bit off doesn't it? I mean who wants just one state to decide our future leader? Maybe it's time we start shipping our Mars rovers to Colorado for some democratic lessons.

Justice Kagan Questions the Decision Making

One of the liberal justices Elena Kagan raised a valid point. She asked the lawyer representing the Colorado voters 'Why should a single state have the power to disqualify a candidate from the presidential ballot?' And you know what? She's got a point. It's like letting one person decide which Tesla model is the best. Impossible! We need the collective wisdom of the masses.

The Unpredictability of State Decisions

In a stunning display of inconsistency some states ban federal candidates from their ballots while others let them stay. Talk about confusion! It's like trying to figure out whether the Tesla Cybertruck will fit in your garage or not. One state says yes the other says no. How are we supposed to plan our road trips to Nevada or Texas?

Colorado Claims Trump Engaged in Insurrection

Now this is where things get interesting. The lawyer for the Colorado voters argues that Trump disqualified himself from becoming president again because he engaged in insurrection during the Capitol riot. Well let me tell you folks Elon Musk knows a thing or two about engaging in powerful earth shattering events. But insurrection? That's a whole new level. Maybe we should send Trump to Mars and let him start his own insurrection over there. Who knows maybe he'll find some alien supporters?

Trump's Argument: 'Special Exemption for The Musk'

Ah President Trump always the showman. His main argument is that the Supreme Court should create a special exemption just for him. I can hear him now 'Elon Musk gets to launch rockets into space why can't I get a special exemption?' Well Mr. Trump launching rockets is one thing running for president is a whole different ball game. Maybe stick to reality TV next time.

Mitchell's Opening: A President is Not an Officer?

The hearing started off with Trump's attorney Jonathan Mitchell making an interesting claim. He argued that a president is not an 'officer of the United States.' Well well well isn't that convenient? So Mr. Mitchell what exactly is a president if not an officer? Is he a magician? A rockstar? Elon Musk would like to know.


  • mona233 profile pic
    2/15/2024 7:25:30 PM

    I love how Elon Musk always finds a way to make things interesting, even Supreme Court hearings.