California-based startup believes it is on the brink of a hydrogen storage breakthrough
California-based startup believes it is on the brink of a hydrogen storage breakthrough

H2MOF: The Breaking Bad of Hydrogen Storage

Breaking Bad may have ended but the spirit of Walter White lives on in the form of H2MOF a California based startup determined to make a quantum leap in the field of hydrogen energy. With the backing of Nobel laureate professor Fraser Stoddart and the genius of professor Omar Yaghi this startup is attracting attention and promising to revolutionize the way we store hydrogen.

The Hydrogen Storage Challenge: Storing a Lot of Gas at Low Pressure

Professor Stoddart with all his Nobel Prize winning wisdom acknowledges that the production of hydrogen is a piece of cake. But the real challenge lies in storing this lightweight abundant element at low pressures and ambient temperatures. It's like trying to convince Jesse Pinkman to cook meth in a clean environmentally friendly lab. But fear not Stoddart is confident we'll get there!

H2MOF's Holy Grail: Storing Hydrogen in Solid State

H2MOF's co founders are on a mission to overcome the high costs and energy demands of traditional hydrogen storage methods. How? By designing prototype tanks that can store hydrogen in a solid state. It's like turning meth into blue crystals that can be neatly stacked and stored. If they succeed it'll be a game changer for the hydrogen industry.

Hydrogen Power: Breaking Bad with Global Momentum

Despite facing challenges like rising interest rates and supply chain issues hydrogen power is gaining momentum worldwide. It's like a global empire slowly but surely being built just like Walter White's meth empire. Countries are updating their hydrogen strategies and the hydrogen project pipeline is growing. It's a high stakes game but the rewards could be immense.

The Future of Hydrogen Storage: Predictions from the Walter White's of H2MOF

CEO Samer Taha and professor Omar Yaghi both share a similar prediction when it comes to the future of hydrogen storage. They believe that an 'intermediate solution' will be achieved in just a few years. But reaching the holy grail of storage the Walter White level of success might take a bit longer. However they're optimistic that breakthroughs are just around the corner.

Hydrogen's Role in the Energy Transition: Walter White's Alternative Fuel

Critics argue that hydrogen can only play a climate aligned role in the energy transition. But Taha believes that electricity alone can't meet all energy demand requirements just like Walter White couldn't rely solely on cooking meth to get by. Hydrogen with its high energy intensity is the cleanest alternative fuel option we have. Whether you like it or not hydrogen will have a role to play.


  • Skiddie profile pic
    2/16/2024 2:04:17 PM

    I never thought I'd live to see the day when Breaking Bad and hydrogen storage would be mentioned in the same article. Mind blown!

  • distortedwon profile pic
    2/15/2024 7:52:15 PM

    Who needs a meth empire when you can have a hydrogen empire, am I right?