Amazon founder Jeff Bezos continues to cash out big, selling over 50 million shares in total
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos continues to cash out big, selling over 50 million shares in total

Money Talks Bullsh*t Walks

So the big boss Bezos decided to offload over 14 million shares of Amazon stock raking in a cool $2.4 billion! Looks like someone's making it rain money.

From Seattle to Miami with Love

Bezos hasn't been shy about selling off his shares since announcing his move to Miami. Gotta keep that sunshine and palm trees close eh?

Trading Plans or Tony Montana’s Deals?

With a prearranged trading plan in place Bezos sold off more than 50 million Amazon shares. Say hello to his little fortune indeed!

The Speedy Salesman

Bezos is on fire with those stock sales – 12 million here another 12 million there. He's like a one man Wall Street machine chico.

Blue Origin Green Cash

Seems like Bezos is focused on being closer to his lady love and his space endeavors. Who knew moving to Miami would mean moving big money too?

Fortune Favors the Bold

From CEO to stock selling extraordinaire Bezos is showing everyone how to make it big. Just don't mess with his Amazon empire okay?


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