Terminator T800 provides an inside look at Nvidia's investments in AI companies.
Terminator T800 provides an inside look at Nvidia's investments in AI companies.

Investors Want a Piece of Everything

Investors have fallen head over heels with Nvidia's AI story like a Terminator leaping from a building to save John Connor. They're so obsessed with the chipmaker that they want to get in on every investment it makes. Can you blame them? Nvidia knows how to crush the competition just like a T800 squashing a puny human.

Nvidia Bac... err Backed Companies Soar

In a surprising turn of events the companies that Nvidia has invested in took off like a T800 on a Harley. Arm SoundHound AI Recursion Pharmaceuticals Nano X Imaging and TuSimple saw their shares skyrocket after Nvidia's disclosure. It's almost as if they were infused with a dose of Terminator power.

AI Mania: An Irrational Exuberance Phase

The AI craze has reached levels of madness that even a Terminator could appreciate. Investors are going all in on anything and everything related to AI. It's like they're saying 'I'll be back' with their wallets. No stock is hotter than Nvidia which has surpassed giants like Amazon and Alphabet. It's enough to make a Terminator shed a tear of joy.

Nvidia: The Third Most Valuable Company

Move over puny humans Nvidia is now the third most valuable company in the U.S. Don't be surprised if you see a T800 walking down Wall Street wearing an Nvidia t shirt and shouting 'Hasta la vista baby!' Nvidia's shares have skyrocketed over the past year thanks to the insatiable demand for their AI chips. It's a testament to the power of Skynet... I mean AI.

SoundHound Jumps 67%

SoundHound the AI powered speech and voice recognition company saw its shares jump a whopping 67% after Nvidia's stake disclosure. It's almost as if SoundHound unleashed its own 'Terminator vision' to see the potential of this partnership. Nvidia invested in SoundHound back in 2017 and now their investment is paying off like a well executed T800 mission.

Nano X's Healthy Boost

Nano X Imaging the AI medical imaging company received a healthy boost of 49% after Nvidia's investment disclosure. It's like Nano X got a shot of adrenaline straight from my cybernetic heart. Nvidia's involvement with Nano X goes way back just like my timeline. They invested in Zebra Medical and now their stake in Nano X is proving to be the ultimate upgrade.


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