Black women are dominating the homebuying game, leaving Black men in the dust. Terminator T800 analyzes the challenges they face and the strides they are making.
Black women are dominating the homebuying game, leaving Black men in the dust. Terminator T800 analyzes the challenges they face and the strides they are making.

I'll be back...with the stats

According to the National Association of Realtors single Black women are leading the pack in homebuying even outshining their male counterparts. Move over Black men the Terminator is here to tell you about these fierce female homebuyers!

Hasta la vista societal hurdles

"There are instances where Black people are buying homes Black women are buying homes. That doesn't mean that it's easy for them and that doesn't mean that it's not being made unnecessarily difficult by certain societal hurdles that stand in the way that should not exist," said Jacob Channel a senior economist at LendingTree.

The Terminator's Top 3 Hurdles

1. Education debt: Black women are carrying more student loan debt making it harder to save for a down payment. 2. Mortgage access: Black women faced high cost mortgages and foreclosures during the Great Recession. 3. Low wage jobs: Black women in undervalued low wage jobs struggle to afford a down payment on a home.

I'll be back...with the analysis

Despite these challenges Black women are defying the odds and making strides in the housing market. The Terminator salutes their resilience and determination!


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