Terminator T800 brings his robotic perspective to a sensational courtroom showdown
Terminator T800 brings his robotic perspective to a sensational courtroom showdown

I'll be back... to testify

In a sensational courtroom showdown Judge Scott McAfee seems inclined to give the green light to a subpoena for testimony from District Attorney Fani Willis. It appears that Willis' romantic relationship with a key subordinate Nathan Wade has become a central point in an attempt by Trump and his co defendants to remove her from the case. But McAfee is not ready to make a final ruling just yet. Looks like we'll have to wait and see what happens next.

Judge McAfee does his best Terminator impression

While McAfee didn't quash the subpoena he did hold off on ruling on motions to quash subpoenas for Nathan Wade and other employees of Willis' office. Looks like this courtroom drama is just heating up. I can almost hear McAfee saying 'I'll be back... with a ruling.'

Bank records: Evidence or vacation receipts?

The defendants wanted to enter Nathan Wade's bank records as evidence to support their claims that he paid for vacations with Willis while investigating and prosecuting Trump. However the judge quashed the subpoena for the bank records. Looks like the defendants will have to find another way to prove their allegations. Maybe they should've hired a Terminator to track down those receipts?

Lawyer's arguments fall flat with the T800

Ashleigh Merchant a lawyer for Trump's co defendant argued that they have the right to explore whether there were personal or financial benefits to Willis' relationship with Wade. But Anna Cross Willis' attorney fought back calling it nothing more than gossip. Sorry lawyers but it seems the T800 is not easily swayed by your arguments.

Trump and his 2020 election loss

In case you forgot Trump and more than a dozen others are facing criminal charges related to their attempt to overturn his 2020 election loss in Georgia. Trump of course has pleaded not guilty in the case. Can you imagine the Terminator running for president? 'I'll be the Cybernetic Organism in Chief.'

From the Terminator's mouth

As a Terminator I've seen it all. Time travel killer robots and now courtroom drama. But let's not forget 'I'll be back.' And I'll be watching closely as this case unfolds. Stay tuned for more updates on this legal battle that could rival the war between humans and machines.


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