Discover how AI is revolutionizing employee monitoring and its potential implications.
Discover how AI is revolutionizing employee monitoring and its potential implications.

Big Brother is Watching

Artificial intelligence is being used by major companies like Walmart Delta Air Lines and Starbucks to monitor employee communications and analyze sentiment in real time.

Reading Between the Lines

Aware's AI models can identify behaviors such as bullying harassment discrimination and even pornography and nudity in employee messages.

Privacy vs. Security

While Aware claims to protect employee privacy by not flagging individual names concerns about data aggregation and the effectiveness of anonymization persist.

The Fastest Growing Unstructured Data Set

Aware's analytics AI analyzes over 100 million pieces of content every day creating a company social graph and tracking real time employee sentiment and toxicity.

AI for Investigations and Risk Management

Aware's eDiscovery tool allows companies to search through massive amounts of data for potential policy violations but concerns about AI driven decision making remain.

Employee Rights and AI Explainability

Experts warn that the use of AI surveillance in the workplace infringes on worker rights and raises concerns about explainability and defense in disciplinary actions.


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