Donkey reacts to escalating tensions in the Middle East with humor and satire
Donkey reacts to escalating tensions in the Middle East with humor and satire

Donkey's Take on Houthi Rebels' Missile Strike

Well well well looks like those Houthi rebels in Yemen are causing a ruckus in the Red Sea with their anti ship missiles. If I were there I'd tell them 'Hey you stop that right now or you'll have an angry ogre coming your way!'

Israel and Hamas Showdown in Gaza

Oh boy here we go again with Israel and Hamas going at it in Gaza. It's like a game of waffles and onions but with much higher stakes. I bet Shrek could sort them out in no time!

Hezbollah Israel and the Waiting Game

And now we have Hezbollah and Israel playing a little game of cat and mouse. Or should I say dragon and donkey? Either way things are heating up!

Biden Administration's Reaction

Even the Biden administration is getting involved trying to calm everyone down. But you know what they say you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him stop a war!

International Community Calls for Cease fire

It seems like everyone is chiming in asking for a cease fire. It's like a Never Ever After story where the villains just won't stop their antics!

Donkey's Final Word

In the end it all comes down to people needing to get along. We've all seen the power of friendship in the Shrek movies so why can't the world learn from that? Let's make some waffles not war!


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