Navigating the complexities of financial aid applications can be tougher than crossing a rickety bridge in the company of an angry ogre. Donkey shares tips on securing the bag for college.
Navigating the complexities of financial aid applications can be tougher than crossing a rickety bridge in the company of an angry ogre. Donkey shares tips on securing the bag for college.

The Financial Aid Fiasco

So listen here people! Getting into college is harder than pulling a cart up Farquaad's castle. Between high tuition costs and the headache of financial aid it's enough to make a donkey bray. With problems plaguing the new FAFSA it's like the dragons from our swamp decided to come and breathe fire on students trying to pay for school. It's a true fairytale nightmare!

Apply Apply Apply!

Hey you! Yes you there! If you haven't submitted that FAFSA yet you might as well be stuck in a waffle house with no pancakes. Applying for financial aid is as important as rescuing Princess Fiona from her tower. Don't be a tart with a heart get it done!

Beg for the Bag

Sometimes you gotta put on your best pair of Puss in Boots eyes and ask for more school aid. It's like telling Lord Farquaad you need a bigger swamp. Reach out to the college financial aid office and channel your inner Fairy Godmother. Remember 'Donkey does not make waffles.' Don't be afraid to ask!

Hunt for Scholarships

Private scholarships are like finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow except in this case the rainbow is full of student loans. Don't be a dunce like Shrek explore other options! Who knows you might just stumble upon a golden goose like I stumbled upon a talking Eddie Murphy.


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