Donkey from Shrek series adds humor and satire to Stellantis' financial report
Donkey from Shrek series adds humor and satire to Stellantis' financial report

Stellantis' Earnings Fall Short But Show Resilience Against Strikes

Well folks it looks like Stellantis the global auto giant had a bit of a stumble in the second half of 2023. Their profit fell by 10% compared to last year thanks to those pesky strikes at the Detroit Three automakers. But hey at least they managed to exceed the market's expectations! It's like when Shrek whacks Pinocchio with that hammer and he says 'I'm a real boy!' Stellantis is a real contender in the market.

Stellantis' North American Operations Struggle CEO Admits They Weren't 'Stellar'

Things aren't looking too bright for Stellantis in North America. Their operations were a bit lackluster in 2023 with U.S. sales declining and Hyundai outselling them for the first time ever. But fear not! CEO Carlos Tavares assures us that 2024 will be better. He's giving his North American executives more leeway with marketing and incentives. I guess he's following Donkey's advice: 'Just keep movin' just keep movin'!'

Stellantis Sees Record Results Despite Industrial Action

Despite those pesky strikes Stellantis managed to report strong earnings for the full year of 2023. Net revenue was up 6% from the previous year and adjusted operating income increased by 1%. Donkey would say 'Looks like Stellantis knows how to kick some ass!'

Stellantis Commits to Electric Vehicles Takes on Chinese Competition

Stellantis is going all in on electric vehicles just like Donkey going all in on singing. They're planning to invest at least 30 billion euros in EVs and supporting technologies through 2025. But they're facing some fierce competition from Chinese automakers who are undercutting prices in the European market. Donkey chiming in 'We gotta step up our game and show those Chinese automakers what we're made of!'


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