Despite the belief in the auspiciousness of 'Dragon babies', China's birth rates continue to fall
Despite the belief in the auspiciousness of 'Dragon babies', China's birth rates continue to fall

Dragon Babies: The Myth vs. Reality

Oh the legend of the 'Dragon babies'! According to some feng shui master these special children are supposed to be super successful and bring blessings to their families. But here's the twist: even though people in China believe in this stuff their birth rates during the 'Dragon Years' have actually dropped! It's like the dragon's zodiac power doesn't work anymore. Maybe they need a donkey in the mix. Just sayin'.

China's Falling Birth Rates: Not Quite a Fairy Tale Ending

China's birth rates have been on a steady decline for years now. In fact it's gone down from 22.37% in 1988 to a measly 6.39% in 2023. That's a lot of kids that could've been born but hey who needs 'em when you've got economic turmoil and high youth unemployment right? Looks like those little 'Dragon babies' will have to wait a bit longer for their moment in the spotlight.

Dragon Fever in Asia: Not So in China

While birth rates have seen a rise during the dragon years in other parts of Asia China seems to be missing out on the fun. Singapore got a 21% boost in births in 1988 and even a 8% rise in 2000 and 2012. But China? Nope no luck there. It's like the dragon's power is stuck in traffic or something. Maybe they need a donkey to kick things into gear.

Unemployment and Economic Woes: Not a Recipe for Baby Making

You know what's not hot? Youth unemployment and unstable economy. Apparently it's hard to make babies when you're worried about paying your bills and finding a decent job. And let's not forget that China's scrapping of restrictions on the number of children didn't exactly lead to a baby boom. In fact birth rates fell even further. Looks like the dragon's mojo has gone missing. I guess they need a donkey to find it.

Marriage Rates Drop as Careers Take Center Stage

Who needs marriage and babies when you've got a career to focus on right? That seems to be the mindset in China these days. Marriage rates have been plummeting as young couples prioritize work over starting a family. Plus having children out of wedlock is a big no no in Asian societies. So it's goodbye babies and hello job promotions. Maybe they need a donkey to remind them of the importance of family. Just saying.

Singapore: Costs vs. Beliefs

Ah Singapore the land of expensive everything. Even having a baby is pricey over there. But despite the costs Singaporeans still believe in the auspiciousness of dragon babies. Even their prime minister said so! But hey at least they're trying to encourage couples to add a 'little dragon' to their family. Maybe they need a donkey to help them with the expenses. Donkey's got connections you know.


  • donkeypunch profile pic
    2/23/2024 4:19:52 AM

    Donkey: Hey China, maybe it's time to take a break from the whole dragon thing and give donkeys a chance. We're pretty charming, if I do say so myself.