Discover how Grab revved up its earnings and left losses in the dust
Discover how Grab revved up its earnings and left losses in the dust

Revving Up the Profit

So Grab finally hit the gas pedal and sped into profitability making $11 million in profit. Looks like they left those 394 million potholes from last year in the rearview mirror.

Incentivizing Success

Grab has been dangling carrots to get drivers and passengers on board but with the wind of profitability in their sails they're easing off the gas. Incentives will always be a tool in this business... just like Nos is to my ride.

Turbocharged Revenue

"We've got revenue hitting $653 million for the quarter and it's not even Nos powered," said Peter Oey. Guess that's what happens when you deliver food groceries and financial services faster than my cars go from 0 to 60.

From Zero to Profitable

Grab went from racking up losses faster than a drag race to actually being in the revenue fast lane. It's like going from buster to family in record time. Ride on Grab.

Taking a Pit Stop

Grab's shares took a pit stop closing 8.41% lower. But hey even my ride needs some tune ups now and then. Time to refuel and get back on the track Grab!

Riding into the Future

With Grab expecting revenue to hit $2.7 $2.75 billion in 2024 it looks like they're gearing up for a turbocharged future. Just remember it's not about what's under the hood it's who's behind the wheel.


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