The billionaire takes a joyride with his stock sales while saving on taxes and getting closer to space exploration.
The billionaire takes a joyride with his stock sales while saving on taxes and getting closer to space exploration.

Bezos Makes Big Bucks Moves

Looks like Jeff Bezos is on a roll folks! The billionaire founder of Amazon has sold a whopping $2.03 billion worth of shares in his very own empire. That brings his total sales for this month to a staggering $6 billion! I guess when you're sitting on that kind of cash you can afford to make some big money moves. Gotta keep those pockets deep am I right?

Trading Plan In Action

But hold on to your engine because there's more to the story. Turns out Bezos executed these sales under a fancy trading plan that went into effect back in November. This plan allows him to unload up to 50 million shares of Amazon. That's a whole lot of moolah! Talk about knowing how to play the stock market game.

Space and Love

Now here's where it gets interesting. Our boy Bezos has decided to leave the rainy streets of Seattle and head on over to Miami. Why you ask? Well besides wanting to be close to his space exploration company Blue Origin he's also looking to cozy up to his fiancée Lauren Sanchez's family. Awww isn't that sweet? Looks like even billionaires want some family time. And hey the move might just save him a few hundred million dollars in taxes. Can't say I blame him for that!

The Price of Wealth

With a net worth of $191.4 billion Mr. Bezos is currently sitting pretty as the world's third wealthiest person. But hey even billionaires need to tighten their belts sometimes. After his recent sales his Amazon holdings have dipped a bit going from 976.25 million shares to 952.26 million shares. Still a whole lot of stock if you ask me. I wouldn't mind having just a tiny fraction of that wealth.

Bezos Makes a Splash

It's been a while since we've seen Bezos in the stock selling game. The last time he sold Amazon shares was back in May 2021 when he stepped down as CEO. But hey he did gift $240 million worth of shares last year so he's not completely out of the game. I guess you could say he's just taking a little joyride in his space sports car. Vroom vroom Bezos!

Final Thoughts

What can I say? Jeff Bezos knows how to make headlines whether it's launching rockets into space or making billions in stock sales. The man is living life in the fast lane just like me. So here's to you Bezos. Keep making those big moves and living life a quarter mile at a time!


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