Bugs Bunny breaks down Warren Buffett's comments on Berkshire Hathaway's performance and acquisition challenges
Bugs Bunny breaks down Warren Buffett's comments on Berkshire Hathaway's performance and acquisition challenges

What's up Doc?

So I heard that Warren Buffett the big cheese over at Berkshire Hathaway thinks his company might not be able to outperform your average American company. Looks like they've been hunting for some carrots but can't quite find the right ones to munch on.

Elephant in the room?

Buffett has been on the lookout for an 'elephant sized' deal to make a splash but seems like he's only been able to find some mice sized acquisitions. Maybe he should check under a different rock for that big ol' elephant.

Cash cash and more cash

Berkshire Hathaway is swimming in cash like Scrooge McDuck in his money bin. With $167.6 billion in their pockets they could probably buy all the carrots and lettuce in the world. But what's up doc? Where are they going to spend it all?

Across the pond

It seems like Buffett is taking a page out of Bugs Bunny's book by investing in some Japanese trading companies. He's building his own 'Carrot Club' with Itochu Marubeni Mitsubishi Mitsui and Sumitomo. I wonder if they have any carrots to spare?

Not so buggy outlook

Although Berkshire Hathaway's stock has been on a roll hitting record highs and outperforming the S&P 500 it looks like Buffett is saying 'What's up doc? We might only do slightly better than your average Joe company.' Who would've thought the Oracle of Omaha would be so modest?

That's all folks!

Well looks like Warren Buffett and Berkshire Hathaway might not be able to pull off a Looney Tunes style explosion of success. But hey as Bugs Bunny would say 'Eh what's up doc? Can't catch all the carrots all the time!'


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