Investment firm Arkhouse Management nominates slate of nine directors for election to Macy's board after rejected $5.8 billion bid
Investment firm Arkhouse Management nominates slate of nine directors for election to Macy's board after rejected $5.8 billion bid

Elmer Fudd vs. Bugs Bunny

Looks like Arkhouse Management is channeling their inner Elmer Fudd going after Macy's like he goes after me. Nine directors nominated? That's a whole lot of folks wiggling their noses in business they might not be familiar with.

Financing Shenanigans

Arkhouse claims to have their financing in order but Macy's is like 'What's up Doc? Show us the money!' Looks like this could turn into a real showdown just like when Yosemite Sam tries to outsmart me.

Proxies Meetings and More

With no date set for Macy's annual shareholder meeting yet it's like waiting for a carrot on a string. Shareholders now have the power to pick and choose directors much like I pick and choose my carrots. What a world what a world!

Jefferies to the Rescue?

Arkhouse is touting a 'highly confident' letter from Jefferies but Macy's isn't buying it much like when Wile E. Coyote buys all those gadgets to catch the Road Runner and well we all know how that ends.

CNBC's Take

Will Arkhouse succeed in their proxy fight like I succeed in outsmarting Elmer Fudd? Or will Macy's come out on top just like I do when I finally get that carrot? Only time will tell folks!

What's The Big Deal?

Looks like Arkhouse and Macy's are putting on a show that even the Looney Tunes gang would appreciate. Who needs cartoons when you have real life drama like this doc?


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