Hungary votes to approve Sweden's NATO membership after months of negotiations, finally bringing Stockholm into the fold.
Hungary votes to approve Sweden's NATO membership after months of negotiations, finally bringing Stockholm into the fold.

Becoming 32nd NATO Member

Eh what's up doc? Looks like Hungary finally caved and gave the thumbs up for Sweden to join NATO. Yup Sweden is now the 32nd member of the gang under Article 5 you know the one where an attack on one is an attack on all. What a maroon!

Orban's Resistance

I tawt I taw a Hungarian lawmaker! Yup Prime Minister Viktor Orban put up quite a fight against letting Sweden join NATO. But eventually even he couldn't resist the charms of the Scandinavian country. Looks like the carrots and sticks finally worked!

Historic Day for Sweden

Well ain't that a fine kettle of fish? Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson called it a 'historic day' for his country. I guess he was just hop skip and a jump away from joining the club all along!

Ready to Die for Each Other

I'm not just whistlin' Dixie! Orban and his Swedish counterpart are now all chummy even pledging to 'die for each other.' Talk about taking friendship to a whole new level! I wonder if they'll be sharing any carrot juice recipes next.

Turkish Approval

And just when you thought things couldn't get any wackier Turkey jumps on the bandwagon too! Seems like everyone wants Sweden in the club now. What a revolting development!

Deal on Defense

Eh what's up Sweden? Hungary's vote not only gave the green light for NATO membership but also included a military pact. Looks like four new Gripen planes are on the shopping list now! Always good to have some extra firepower on hand eh doc?


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