Bezos uses the Jedi mind trick to dodge state taxes in his move to Miami
Bezos uses the Jedi mind trick to dodge state taxes in his move to Miami

The Great Escape: Bezos Leaves Tax heavy Washington for Tax free Florida

Last year Bezos announced his departure from Seattle and his move to Miami citing the need to be closer to his parents and his rocket launches. But let's be honest we all know it was about taxes. Washington state's new capital gains tax forced him to seek refuge in the Sunshine State.

Amazon Shares Not for Sale? Bezos Takes a Break

The introduction of the capital gains tax in Washington put a halt to Bezos' tradition of selling off his Amazon shares each year. No funding for philanthropy no more money for Blue Origin and worst of all no mega yacht and mansions for his fiancé. But the Force was strong with him and he bided his time.

Stock selling Plan: Bezos Unleashes the Power of the Dark Side

Last week Bezos executed a pre scheduled stock selling plan to unload a massive 50 million shares. All part of his master plan to dodge taxes and save billions. With no state income tax or capital gains tax in Florida he's laughing all the way to the Sarlacc pit.

Tax Savings: Bezos' Lightsaber Against the Empire of State Taxes

Thanks to his move to Florida Bezos saved a cool $140 million on his recent $2 billion stock sale. And that's just the beginning. Over the next year he stands to save at least $610 million. It's like a Jedi mind trick but with money.

Hello Miami: Bezos' Galactic Property Empire

Bezos didn't just pocket his tax savings. He used the Force to acquire two mansions in Indian Creek worth $147 million. And he's not done yet. Rumor has it he's eyeing three more properties on the island because why settle for less when you're a billionaire Sith Lord?

Building an Empire: Bezos' Masterpiece in Florida

Bezos has plans for his new Floridian estate. He's going to tear down the existing mansions and build a brand new one. The cost? A mere $200 million. Pocket change for a Mandalorian with an empire to create and the secrets of the Force to protect.


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