Find out why Priyanka Chopra thinks Bill Gates should be asking different questions to a time traveler!
Find out why Priyanka Chopra thinks Bill Gates should be asking different questions to a time traveler!

Bill Gates' Burning Question

If I were to meet a time traveler from the year 2100 the first thing that would pop into my head is 'Is Shah Rukh Khan still the King of Bollywood?' But apparently Bill Gates thinks differently. He believes that the most pressing question to ask a time traveler is whether humans are thriving. Sure Bill because that's the first thing anyone would be concerned about when they meet someone from the future. Not their flying cars or teleportation devices. No no. It's all about human welfare.

The $20 a Day Standard

"In the end it's all measured through human welfare," Gates said. And apparently according to Gates' expert data scientist guest Hannah Ritchie one way to measure this welfare is by asking what percentage of the world's population can live on up to $20 a day in 2100. Because nothing says 'thriving' like barely making enough to buy a cup of coffee right? But hey if poverty rates are lower and more people are living on $20 a day that's apparently an 'amazing achievement.'

Gates' Initial Curiosity

Initially Gates was more interested in picking the brains of this time traveler about energy production and artificial intelligence. You know the important stuff. How are they generating energy? Is it fusion or fission or some unexpected thing? And how is AI helping with all of this? But I guess when you've amassed billions of dollars and co founded a nuclear energy startup those topics are bound to be on your mind.

The AI Apocalypse

Gates is known for being a forward thinking billionaire but he's not one to buy into all the hype around AI causing the end of the world. He even thinks AI can help us solve global challenges like health and education. Well that's a relief! I was worried I'd have to fight off a robot army in the near future. Thanks for putting my mind at ease Bill.

Gates' Change of Heart

After some contemplation Gates changed his tune. He realized that the real measure of human well being is not about energy or AI but about the quality of life overall. Touché Bill. I mean who wouldn't want to know if we're all living our best lives in 2100? Are we still eating avocado toast? Is Priyanka Chopra still fabulous? These are the questions that truly matter.

The Dream Job of 2024

And just in case you're not as obsessed with time travel as Bill Gates CNBC has got you covered. They're offering an online course on how to ace your job interview. Because apparently that's the real key to happiness in the future. Forget flying cars and teleportation devices. Get that interview job and you're set for life!


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