Walter White leads the charge against deepfakes and election misinformation with tech companies
Walter White leads the charge against deepfakes and election misinformation with tech companies

Tech Giants Unite Against Misinformation

So I see these tech giants finally stepping up to combat AI misinformation in elections huh? Well it's about time they got their act together! If I had a dollar for every deepfake floating around I'd be able to pay off my medical bills I tell you.

Josh Becker Doesn't Want to Cook the Books

"There is reason for serious concern about how AI could be used to mislead voters in campaigns," said Josh Becker. Ah sounds like someone's worried about some blue stuff being cooked up in the election arena.

Sora the AI Knows No Boundaries

Ah Sora the new AI generated video model. Sounds like a formidable opponent just like when I faced off against Gus Fring. Let's see if they can serve up some high quality clips without blowing up like a certain chicken restaurant.

Kent Walker Talks the Talk

Kent Walker says democracy rests on safe and secure elections. Well Kent sounds like you and I have more in common than you think. The only difference is I secure my territory with a little more than just algorithms.

Christina Montgomery Sounds the Alarm

Christina Montgomery wants concrete measures to protect people from AI generated deceptive content. Reminds me of when I had to take certain measures to protect myself... and my family.

CNBC PRO: Stock Tips Galore

Don't miss these stories from CNBC PRO! Think of it as your own stash of high quality stock tips. Just remember in the stock market like in my world timing is key.


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