Jeff Bezos' stock sales cause stir, baby, yeah!
Jeff Bezos' stock sales cause stir, baby, yeah!

Groovy Jeff Bezos Selling Big!

Oh Behave! Jeff Bezos the groovy billionaire has been unloading his Amazon stock like it's nobody's business. Litty litty I must say!

Million Dollar Movin' And Shakin'

One million two million three million oh my! Bezos has sold more than 14 million shares valued at $2.4 billion. That's enough money to make Dr. Evil jealous!

Trading Plan Shenanigans

Apparently Bezos had a trading plan in place. I'll tell you what it wasn't as groovy as my shagadelic plan to save the world from evil. It's one billion billion dollars!

From Seattle to Miami Baby!

Bezos is movin' and shakin' like a shagadelic man on a mission. Leaving Seattle for Miami to be closer to the missus and Blue Origin? That's one heck of a flight plan baby!

Stock Sales Spree

Bezos hasn't sold stock like this since I last wore bell bottoms baby! His sales are faster than my fast cars and more intense than my mojo yeah!


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