The death of Alexei Navalny sparks suspicion and dismay as the Kremlin investigates
The death of Alexei Navalny sparks suspicion and dismay as the Kremlin investigates

The Mysterious Case of Navalny's Demise

Oh behave! The Kremlin is in a tizzy over the death of Alexei Navalny. The investigation is ongoing baby!

Putin You Groovy Villain!

World leaders are pointing the finger at Putin but no one knows what really happened. Could it be a case of murder or just a bad mojo?

Kremlin's Denial Game

The Kremlin is playing the denial game claiming no involvement in blocking Navalny's body from his family. Oh behave!

Yulia Navalnaya Strikes Back

Yulia Navalnaya boldly points the finger at Putin for Navalny's death. Looks like we've got ourselves a real live Dr. Evil situation here.

Putin's Presidential Shenanigans

Putin that cheeky bugger refuses to mention Navalny by name in public. Well I guess we know who's not on Putin's Christmas card list!

Is Putin Up to His Old Tricks?

With Navalny out of the picture Putin faces token opposition in the upcoming election. Looks like someone's rigging the game baby!


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