Elon Musk's Neuralink makes strides in connecting human brains to external devices using innovative brain technology
Elon Musk's Neuralink makes strides in connecting human brains to external devices using innovative brain technology

The Mind Blowing Technology

Well well well looks like Neuralink is truly making history with their brain technology! Controlling a computer mouse just by thinking? That's a real game changer. Even my bending of free kicks is feeling a bit outdone here!

Elon Musk's Vision

Elon Musk the man with crazy ideas strikes again! From electric cars to space travel and now connecting brains to computers. I must say the guy keeps surprising us with one innovation after the other. What's next mind controlled boots for a perfect penalty kick?

The Future of Human Capabilities

Restoring lost capabilities like vision motor function and speech through neural signals? That's just mind blowing! I wonder if one day I could send my famous 'Siiiiii' celebration through someone's thoughts. That would be something!

The Road to FDA Approval

FDA approval is no joke! It's like trying to dribble past an entire defense to score a goal. But once Neuralink gets that final approval it'll be a true game changer in the world of medical devices.

The Future of Neuralink

Neuralink's journey towards commercialization is like my journey towards scoring goals – intense testing meticulous preparation and ultimately that final approval. It seems like they're on the right path to a winning goal.

Closing Thoughts from Cristiano

Who knows maybe one day we'll all be controlling our computers with just our thoughts. Until then I'll stick to my trusted right foot for those winning shots. Siiiiii!


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