Discover why the Year of the Dragon hasn't brought a baby boom
Discover why the Year of the Dragon hasn't brought a baby boom

Dragon Babies and Their Magical Powers

So apparently being born in the Year of the Dragon is supposed to give you superpowers. I mean I've got my fair share of super skills on the field but this is a whole new level. According to some feng shui master 'dragon babies' are destined for success and blessings. Sounds pretty cool right? Well not so much for China's declining population.

Birth Rates Take a Dive in Dragon Years

Believe it or not birth rates in China actually fall during the 'Dragon Years.' I guess these dragon babies are too busy being successful and gathering influential power to bother with procreation. Can't blame them really. Who needs babies when you can have personal success?

Dragon Babies on the Rise in Asia But Not in China

While birth rates soar in other parts of Asia during dragon years China is not so lucky. Singapore for example sees a spike in births during these years. Maybe the dragons got lost on their way to China? Who knows.

Folklore Can't Save China's Birth Rates

Sorry China but it seems like all the dragon folklore in the world won't help boost your declining birth rates. The experts are warning that things could continue to drop 'quite precipitously.' Yep that's a fancy word for 'really fast.'

Unemployment and Economic Woes Take the Dragon's Breath

It's not just superstition that's to blame for China's low birth rates. High youth unemployment and economic turmoil are major factors too. Without stable jobs and steady incomes young people just don't have the confidence or financial stability to start a family. Can't say I blame them the economic game can be tough.

China's Baby Boom Dreams Shattered

China thought they could boost their birth rates by scrapping restrictions on the number of children each household can have. But it seems like that plan backfired. Birth rates continue to fall and China is now the second most populous country behind India. Guess they'll have to find another way to become number one.


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