Superstar Cristiano Ronaldo weighs in on 2U's financial struggles
Superstar Cristiano Ronaldo weighs in on 2U's financial struggles

When 2U Went Public

Once upon a time 2U was riding high in the online education market like I do when I score a hat trick. Their stock price soared like one of my trademark free kicks reaching new heights. But now it seems like they're struggling to even find the back of the net.

A Tale of Woe

It's not looking good for 2U my friends. Their stock price has been as low as a mistimed header and things are not looking up. With universities terminating contracts left and right they're hanging on for dear life. Sounds like they could use a little help from their Number 7.

A Big Debt Problem

Hey I know a thing or two about dealing with debt. I mean have you seen my contract with Juventus? But 2U has got a debt of over $900 million and that's no joke. With cash and equivalents dwindling faster than my opponents when I go for a dribble they're in a tough spot.

A Swing and a Miss

2U tried to make some big moves just like I do on the pitch. They acquired Trilogy Education and edX thinking it would give them an edge. But it looks like they swung and missed. Analysts are skeptical and the numbers don't lie. Sometimes even the best players make mistakes.

A Delisting Disaster

If 2U's share price keeps dropping they could be facing a delisting disaster. Trust me you don't want to be delisted from the stock exchange. It's like getting a red card and being banned from the game. They need to find a way to score some goals and get back in the game.

Survival Mode

It's a tough road ahead for 2U. They're in survival mode just like I am when I'm playing against tough defenders. They need to cut expenses work with lenders and fight their way back to financial resilience. I've faced tough challenges on the pitch before and I know they can overcome this.


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