Russian consumers are getting their hands on Apple's newest product, the Vision Pro, ahead of London customers despite official availability only in the US
Russian consumers are getting their hands on Apple's newest product, the Vision Pro, ahead of London customers despite official availability only in the US

Apple Takes a Bite out of the Global Economy

Well well well looks like Apple is making some noise amidst all the chaos and battle cries. One moment they're expressing horror over atrocities in Ukraine and the next they're sending over the Vision Pro goggles to Moscow faster than I can say 'Don't push it!'

Moscow Madness: A Vision Pro Bonanza

The Vision Pro goggles are causing quite the stir in Moscow with Russian consumers lining up to get a taste of Apple's latest tech. I bet they're wondering if these goggles will help them 'live for nothing or die for something.'

From Romance768 to Sergey Romantsev

Ah good ol' Romance768 or should I say Sergey Romantsev? This tech blogger is turning heads by unboxing his very own Vision Pro in Moscow. Looks like he's taking 'war is in your blood' to a whole new level.

Meta Quest 3: Another Bump in the Road

Meta's Quest 3 is facing hurdles in Russia with a court ban and all that VPN drama. It seems like Meta is learning that 'to survive a war you gotta become war.'

Apple vs. Russian Government: A Rocky Relationship

Apple and the Russian government have been dancing around each other for a while now. With Alexei Navalny in the mix it's like a real life game of cat and mouse. Will Apple come out on top?

A Vision Pro Future in Russia?

Despite all the ups and downs one thing is clear – Apple's products are still hot in Russia. It's a wild ride of parallel imports tech bloggers and government juggling. Will the Vision Pro be the game changer?


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