Forrest Gump shares his thoughts on President Biden's decision to pause LNG exports and its potential impact on the environment and economy
Forrest Gump shares his thoughts on President Biden's decision to pause LNG exports and its potential impact on the environment and economy

Biden Puts a Pause on LNG Exports

Well folks it looks like President Biden is pressing the pause button on LNG exports. The Department of Energy needs to take a "hard look" at the environmental and economic impacts of this booming industry. I guess they want to make sure they're not blowing bubbles instead of creating a sustainable future. But hey I'm no expert on LNG I just ran across the country.

DOE Official Defends the Decision

"Run Forrest run!" That's what the DOE official David Turk must be thinking when he defended Biden's pause at a Senate hearing. He said they'll finish the review as quickly as possible but couldn't give a timeline. I guess they're taking their sweet time just like Lieutenant Dan used to do when we were shrimpin' in the Gulf of Mexico.

No Concerns About European Demand

According to a U.S. official we don't need to worry about meeting European demand for LNG. I guess they're saying "I'm sorry I had a fight in the middle of your Black Panther party." As long as the review doesn't drag on for years our allies should be just fine. And if Japan starts relying more on nuclear power well that's one less shrimp in the sea.

Wrong Signal to Our Allies

Senator Joe Manchin bless his heart thinks this pause sends the wrong signal to our allies in Europe and Asia. He's saying we're heading in the wrong direction like Lieutenant Dan did when he wanted to die in Vietnam. But hey I guess Manchin really loves his natural gas.

Environmentalists and Youth Groups Put Pressure on Biden

Oh boy the environmentalists and youth groups are at it again. They've been putting pressure on Biden to slow down on fossil fuel projects. They're worried about those pesky greenhouse gases. I can hear Lieutenant Dan saying "Somebody thought that shrimp was so big he named it Godzilla." Maybe they're onto something I don't know.

The Battle in Congress

Now folks here's where it gets interesting. It's a battle between the DOE and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Some lawmakers want to strip the DOE's power to approve exports and give it all to FERC. But passing legislation in an election year? That's like trying to run with braces on your legs. It ain't gonna be easy.


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