Lawmakers are taking on the pharma industry over exorbitant drug prices, and Tony Montana has a lot to say about it.
Lawmakers are taking on the pharma industry over exorbitant drug prices, and Tony Montana has a lot to say about it.

Say Hello to My Little Hearing

So these senators are putting the heat on the big shots of the pharma industry. They’re grilling the CEOs of Johnson & Johnson Merck and Bristol Myers Squibb over the sky high prices of their drugs. And let me tell you it's about time someone takes these guys to task.

A Costly Prescription

According to a federal survey about 9 million Americans couldn't afford their meds in 2021. That's one hell of a bad trip. And get this prescription drug prices in the U.S. are more than double those in other high income countries. Talk about getting ripped off!

Top Notch Drugs Top Notch Prices

The Senate committee is calling out these pharma giants for selling some of the most expensive drugs in the U.S. We're talking about Merck's Keytruda Bristol Myers Squibb's Eliquis and J & J's Stelara. These guys are making a killing while Americans are struggling to afford their medicines. Where's the justice in that?

Bernie Sanders Puts the Heat On

Good old Bernie Sanders he doesn't hold back. He's the chair of the Senate Health panel and he's calling out the pharma industry for being the "overwhelming beneficiary" of these ridiculous drug prices. And you know what? He's right. It's time for these CEOs to face the music.

Pricey Drugs Patent Tricks

According to the Senate committee's report these drug companies start by charging exorbitant prices for their new drugs. Then when people become dependent on them they raise the prices even more. It's a real Tony Montana move if you ask me. And they're using all sorts of patent tricks to keep their monopolies intact. Gotta hand it to 'em they know how to hustle.

Medicare Negotiations: A New Power Play

Here's where things get interesting. Some of the top drugs from these companies will be part of the first round of Medicare drug price negotiations. That's right negotiations. Finally someone's taking a stand against these outrageous prices. But of course J & J Merck and Bristol Myers Squibb are fighting tooth and nail to stop it. Classic mobster move trying to protect their territory.


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