Amazon takes over Walgreens in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, signaling a changing American economy landscape.
Amazon takes over Walgreens in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, signaling a changing American economy landscape.

Swapping Stocks in the Swamp

Well well well looks like Amazon is muscling its way into the Dow Jones Industrial Average by swapping out Walgreens Boots Alliance. With Amazon stocks moving up and Walgreens stocks moving down it's like a see saw in the Land of Wall Street.

The Shrek onomics of it All

Apparently the folks at S & P Dow Jones Indices wanted to shake things up in the stock market swamp. Reflecting the evolving nature of the American economy the change will bring more exposure to the online giant Amazon. Guess it's time for investors to trade their onions for books.

From 'Ogres are like onions' to 'Books to Clouds'

Amazon has come a long way since just being an online retailer of books. Now with Andy Jassy leading the charge Amazon's cloud business is ruling the roost bringing home the gold coins. Jeff Bezos the OG CEO is still around making sure folks don't mess with his swamp.

In with the New Out with the Old

Say goodbye to Walgreens and hello to Amazon. It's like a game of Swamp Swap in the Dow Jones. Walgreens has been given the boot after a good run. But fear not they're still selling potions...I mean medicines.

The Rich Get Richer

Jeff Bezos the man with more gold coins than anyone in Duloc has been selling billions in Amazon stock. Amazon's earning is soaring higher than dragons in the sky while Walgreens is trying to staunch its losses. Looks like a classic tale of the rich getting richer.

A Slice of the Pie

Just like how Fiona found her true form Amazon has found its true place in the Dow Jones. The ogre giant is here to stay so get ready for a swampy ride on the stock market slide.


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