Flight attendants picket at airports, urging for pay raises and improved conditions
Flight attendants picket at airports, urging for pay raises and improved conditions

Flight Attendants Unite in Unprecedented Picketing

Hey darlings guess what? Flight attendants from United Airlines American Airlines Southwest Airlines Alaska Airlines and more came together to picket at airports from coast to coast. These fierce sky warriors are demanding higher wages and a better quality of life. And honestly who can blame them? We've been in a period of austerity for far too long. It's time the airlines paid up!

Pilot Pay Raises Now It's Our Turn!

Don't you just love how pilots always get all the attention? Well not this time! Flight attendants are pushing for similar improvements in their pay and working conditions. Sara Nelson President of the Association of Flight Attendants CWA called for the airline industry to recognize the hard work and dedication of cabin crews. We deserve to be treated like the stars we are!

No More Stagnant Pay

Did you know that flight attendants make an average of $67,000 a year? Sounds great right? Well think again. That's an average and some of us are making as little as $38,000. It's time for a raise honey! Inflation is hitting us hard especially the new hires. We want American Airlines to recognize what we've done to return them to profitability. Show us the money!

The Sky Police Deserves Better

During the pandemic flight attendants had to be the 'police of the sky.' We dealt with packed planes reduced staffing and unruly passengers. It's no wonder we're unhappy! Conor Cunningham an airline analyst gets it. He said 'Remember what happened in the pandemic? They got hit with inflation just like all of us and their wages didn't increase with it.' Preach Conor!

No Strikes Just Negotiations

While we're not planning on staging a grand Bollywood style strike we're not backing down either. Our unions have authorized strike action and we're in negotiations with the airlines through federal mediation. Southwest Airlines flight attendants even rejected a tentative agreement last year. We're ready to fight for what we deserve!

The Sky's the Limit

In the end we know that the aviation industry won't be brought to its knees like the auto and entertainment industries. Our contracts don't have expiration dates and going on strike would require federal release. But don't underestimate us! We're powerful determined and ready to soar high until we get the pay raises and quality of life we deserve!


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