Lionel Messi adds a touch of humor to Lyft's recent earnings mishap
Lionel Messi adds a touch of humor to Lyft's recent earnings mishap

Lionel Messi's Take on Lyft's Earnings Debacle

Well well well what do we have here? It seems like Lyft's CEO David Risher had a little slip up in their fourth quarter earnings release. And you know I can't resist a good blunder especially when it comes to numbers!

The Hilarious Margin Mix Up

Apparently Lyft's press release claimed that they would see a "margin expansion of 500 basis points" in 2024. 500 basis points can you believe that? No wonder their stock soared after that! But hold your horses folks because that was nothing more than a typo. It turns out the actual increase will only be 50 basis points. Oopsie daisy!

The Team Behind the Error

Lyft's CFO Erin Brewer tried to save the day by correcting the mistake during their quarterly call with investors. But let's be honest who needs accurate numbers when you can have a good laugh at a major blunder? I bet there were some red faces among the Lyft team after this one!

Risher Takes Responsibility and Drops a Classic Quote

Lyft CEO David Risher graciously accepted the blame for the error saying "Look it was a bad error and that's on me." Ah classic move my friend. But let me tell you taking responsibility for one of your own mistakes is a lot easier when you're not trying to score goals against me on the pitch!

Lyft's Stock Rollercoaster Ride

Despite the correction Lyft's stock managed to stay up because hey the numbers still beat the analysts' estimates. However the initial excitement quickly faded causing the stock to lose over $2 billion in market cap. Ouch! That's gotta hurt just like a well placed free kick don't you think?

A Great Quarter Minus the Error

In the midst of this hilarious blunder Lyft had a pretty decent quarter. They reported $1.22 billion in revenue an increase from the previous year. Oh and let's not forget their adjusted earnings per share which exceeded analysts' expectations. So despite the margin mishap it wasn't all doom and gloom for Lyft!


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