Lionel Messi shares his witty take on Ford and UAW Local 62's tentative deal to avert a strike at Ford's Kentucky truck plant
Lionel Messi shares his witty take on Ford and UAW Local 62's tentative deal to avert a strike at Ford's Kentucky truck plant

Messi's Negotiation Tactics

Well folks it seems even us soccer superstars can't escape the drama of negotiations. Ford and UAW Local 62 danced around the threat of a strike at the Kentucky truck plant until they finally reached a tentative deal. When negotiations get tough I like to do a quick juke move and hope for the best!

Super Duty vs. Super Skills

It's like a match between Ford Super Duty pickups and my super soccer skills — who will come out on top? But hey congrats to the local union for looking out for their workers' health and safety. Even in soccer we take a dive when things get too rough!

Keep On Truckin'

I must say the Louisville plant sounds like a happening place. Producing Ford Expeditions and Lincoln Navigators? Sounds like they're the real MVPs in the automotive world. Maybe they could use a few pointers from my championship playbook!

Plant Specific Plays

Local contracts are like playing on your home turf — you know all the nooks and crannies. These contracts deal with plant specific issues just like how I know every blade of grass on the soccer field. Attention to detail is key my friends!

Messi's Final Whistle

In the end a deal was struck and the strike was averted. Just like in soccer sometimes you have to dribble around a few obstacles before you can score that winning goal. Keep kicking Ford and UAW Local 62!


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